Missouri—St. Joseph—Parks & Boulevard System |
St. Joseph MO, National Register Of Historic Places In 1994 the "The Jewels of St. Joseph: The Parks and Parkways System, 1910-1943" was nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. This was an amendment to the original Multiple Property Documentation Form "Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri," and subsequent amendment. The original submission presented three developed historic contexts, which were organized around residential development in the city from 1843 through 1930. This amendment documents the history and significance of St. Joseph's parks and parkway system, and its effect on community development. The President of the St. Joseph Ad Club wrote George Kessler in 1910 requesting whether he was available to submit a plan for the "city's improvement" and what his fee for services would be. Kessler built upon preliminary recommendations of Charles Mulford Robinson. Robinson was a journalist who wrote so many articles about city planning for periodicals that by the turn-of-the-century he had amassed enough to bring out his first book. Under the city charter, Kessler became the executive officer of the Board of Park Commissioners, and was empowered to employ any assistance which he required. Kessler along with his chief assistant R. C. Barnett, provided recommendations for site selection and prepared the site designs for specific parks. The Jewels of St. Joseph: The Parks and Parkways System, 1910-1943 10.5 MB pdf |