Home Specific Projects Kansas City, MO Publications Book—K.C. A History of Kansas City, Missouri
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Book—K.C. A History of Kansas City, Missouri

Volume Two in the Western Urban History Series was written by A. Theodore Brown and Lyle W. Dorsett and pubished in 1978 by Pruett Publishing Company

William Wilson, arthur of The City Beautiful Movement in Kansas City, was a member of the project team. Chapter Five contains a brief overview of the development of the parks and boulevard system.

There is an error on page 161. Kessler did not spend a brief period in New York City with Frederick Law Olmstead.

Pictures in the book are:
  • Alderman Jim Pendergast, about 1902
  • West Bluff before and after
  • William Rockhill Nelson
  • The Grand Paseo
  • August R. Meyer
  • William Volker
  • George Kessler
  • Liberty Memorial
Brown, Andrew Tehodore, 1923-
K.C.: a history of Kansas City, Missouri.

(The Western urban history series; v. 2)
Bibiogrpahy: p.
Includes index.
1. Kansas City, MO.—History. I. Dorsett,
Lyle W., joint author. II. Title. III. Series.
F474.K257B76 977.8'411 78-14514
ISBN 0-87108-526-7