National Historic Register Nomination |
Colorado Historical Society—Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation—National & State Registers—Denver Park and Parkway System Thematic Resource
The Denver Park and Parkway System consists of over 400 acres of parks and more than 30 miles of developed parkways. The system represents the will, the effort, and the imagination of the first generation of Denver citizens, energetic civic leaders, and creative designers. Denver's parks and parkways reflect various styles of landscape design. They are the work of well-known landscape architects and city planners such as: S.R. DeBoer, George E. Kessler, Charles Mulford Robinson, Reinhard Schuetze, and the Olmsted brothers. Located throughout the city, the parks and parkways are accessible to all and play a central role in the life of the entire area. (Accepted by National Register in 1986)
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